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more_vertAccept "Too Mean To Die" 2xLP
search27,00 EUR

Accept "Too Mean To Die" 2xLPclose

TracklistA1Zombie Apocalypse5:35A2Too Mean To Die4:21A3Overnight Sensation4:24B1No Ones Master4:10B2The Undertaker5:38B3Sucks To Be You4:05C1Symphony Of Pain4:39C2The Best Is Yet To Come4:47C3How Do We Sleep5:41D1Not My Problem4:22D2Samson And Delilah4:31..

more_vertAnthrax "Kings Among Scotland" 2DVD
search17,00 EUR

Anthrax "Kings Among Scotland" 2DVDclose

Na objednávku. 01. Intro02. A.I.R.03. Madhouse04. Evil Twin05. Medusa06. Blood Eagle Wings07. Fight 'Em ‘Til You Can’t08. Be All, End All09. Breathing Lightning10. Among the Living11. Caught in a Mosh12. One World13. I Am The Law14. A Skeleton In The Closet15. N.F.L.16. A.D.I. / Horror Of It All17. Indians18. Imitation of Life19. AntisocialDocumentary DVD:01. On The Road Documentary02. Anthra..

more_vertBeast in Black "Dark Connection" 2xLP
search25,00 EUR

Beast in Black "Dark Connection" 2xLPclose

Side A01. Blade Runner02. Bella Donna03. Highway To MarsSide B01. Hardcore02. One Night In Tokyo03. Moonlight RendezvousSide C01. Revengeance Machine02. Dark New World03. To The Last Drop Of BloodSide D01. Broken Survivors02. My Dystopia03. Battle Hymn04. They Don’t Care About Us..

more_vertBeast in Black "Dark Connection" CD
search16,00 EUR

Beast in Black "Dark Connection" CDclose

01. Blade Runner02. Bella Donna03. Highway To Mars04. Hardcore05. One Night In Tokyo06. Moonlight Rendezvous07. Revengeance Machine08. Dark New World09. To The Last Drop Of Blood10. Broken Survivors11. My Dystopia12. Battle Hymn13. They Don’t Care About Us..

more_vertBehemoth "In Absentia Dei" 2xCD
search20,00 EUR

Behemoth "In Absentia Dei" 2xCDclose

CD 101. Evoe02. Wolves Ov Siberia03. Prometherion04. From The Pagan Vastlands05. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel06. Antichristian Phenomenon07. Conquer All08. LuciferCD 201. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer02. Satan’s Sword (I Have Become)03. Ov Fire And The Void04. Chwala Mordercom Wojciecha05. As Above So Below06. Slaves Shall Serve07. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 e.v.08. Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth09. Bartzabel10. ..

more_vertBehemoth "In Absentia Dei" 2xCD + Blu-Ray
search32,00 EUR

Behemoth "In Absentia Dei" 2xCD + Blu-Rayclose

CD 101. Evoe02. Wolves Ov Siberia03. Prometherion04. From The Pagan Vastlands05. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel06. Antichristian Phenomenon07. Conquer All08. LuciferCD 201. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer02. Satan’s Sword (I Have Become)03. Ov Fire And The Void04. Chwala Mordercom Wojciecha05. As Above So Below06. Slaves Shall Serve07. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 e.v.08. Sculpting The Throne Ov Seth09. Bartzabel10. ..

more_vertBehemoth "In Absentia Dei" 3xLP
search46,00 EUR

Behemoth "In Absentia Dei" 3xLPclose

Side A01. Evoe02. Wolves Ov Siberia03. Prometherion04. From The Pagan VastlandsSide B01. Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel02. Antichristian Phenomenon03. Conquer All04. LuciferSide C01. Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer02. Satan’s Sword (I Have Become)03. Ov Fire And The Void04. Chwala Mordercom WojciechaSide D01. As Above So Below02. Slaves Shall Serve03. Chant For Ezkaton 2000 e.v.Side E01. Sculpting The Throne Ov..

more_vertBehemoth "Opvs Contra Natvram" LP
search25,00 EUR

Behemoth "Opvs Contra Natvram" LPclose

Side A1 Post-God Nirvana2 Malaria Vvlgata3 The Deathless Sun4 Ov My Herculean Exile5 Neo-Spartacvs Side B1 Disinheritance2 Off To War!3 Once Upon A Pale Horse4 Thy Becoming Eternal5 Versvs Christvs..

more_vertBehemoth "Opvs Contra Natvram" Picture LP
search35,00 EUR

Behemoth "Opvs Contra Natvram" Picture LPclose

Side A1 Post-God Nirvana2 Malaria Vvlgata3 The Deathless Sun4 Ov My Herculean Exile5 Neo-Spartacvs Side B1 Disinheritance2 Off To War!3 Once Upon A Pale Horse4 Thy Becoming Eternal5 Versvs Christvs..

more_vertBehemoth "The Shit Ov God" CD
search16,00 EUR

Behemoth "The Shit Ov God" CDclose

BEHEMOTHThe Shit Ov GodKDO: Behemoth jsou polská extrémní metalová skupina, která vznikla v roce 1991 ve městě Gdaňsk. Kapelu založil frontman Adam "Nergal" Darski. Behemoth jsou známí svým unikátním stylem, který kombinuje prvky black metalu a death metalu, což z nich činí jednu z nejvýznamnějších a nejvlivnějších metalových kapel nejen v Polsku, ale i na mezinárodní scéně. Skupina se zpočátku or..

more_vertBehemoth "The Shit Ov God" CD (Digipack)
search24,00 EUR

Behemoth "The Shit Ov God" CD (Digipack)close

BEHEMOTHThe Shit Ov GodKDO: Behemoth jsou polská extrémní metalová skupina, která vznikla v roce 1991 ve městě Gdaňsk. Kapelu založil frontman Adam "Nergal" Darski. Behemoth jsou známí svým unikátním stylem, který kombinuje prvky black metalu a death metalu, což z nich činí jednu z nejvýznamnějších a nejvlivnějších metalových kapel nejen v Polsku, ale i na mezinárodní scéně. Skupina se zpočátku or..

more_vertBelphegor "Necrodaemon Terrorsathan" CD
search16,00 EUR

Belphegor "Necrodaemon Terrorsathan" CDclose

1. Necrodaemon Terrorsathan2. Vomit Upon the Cross3. Diabolical Possession4. Lust Perishes in a Thirst for Blood5. S.B.S.R.6. Sadism Unbound / Lechery on the Altar7. Tanzwut Totengesänge8. Cremation of Holiness9. Necrodaemon Terrorsathan (part II)/ Analjesus (outro)..

more_vertBelphegor "Necrodaemon Terrorsathan" LP
search22,00 EUR

Belphegor "Necrodaemon Terrorsathan" LPclose

1. Necrodaemon Terrorsathan2. Vomit Upon the Cross3. Diabolical Possession4. Lust Perishes in a Thirst for Blood5. S.B.S.R.6. Sadism Unbound / Lechery on the Altar7. Tanzwut Totengesänge8. Cremation of Holiness9. Necrodaemon Terrorsathan (part II)/ Analjesus (outro)..

more_vertBelphegor "The Devils" CD
search16,00 EUR

Belphegor "The Devils" CDclose

1 The Devils2 Totentanz - Dance Macabre3 Glorifizierung des Teufels4 Damnation - Höllensturz5 Virtus Asinaria - Prayer6 Kingdom of Cold Flesh7 Ritus Incendium Diabolus8 Creature of Fire..

more_vertBelphegor "The Devils" digiCD
search18,00 EUR

Belphegor "The Devils" digiCDclose

1 The Devils2 Totentanz - Dance Macabre3 Glorifizierung des Teufels4 Damnation - Höllensturz5 Virtus Asinaria - Prayer6 Kingdom of Cold Flesh7 Ritus Incendium Diabolus8 Creature of Fire9 Blackest Sabbath 1997 (Bonus track)re-recorded medley of Blackest Ecstasy andBlutsabbath from 1997s Blutsabbath album..

more_vertBelphegor "The Last Supper & Blutsabbath" 2CD
search16,00 EUR

Belphegor "The Last Supper & Blutsabbath" 2CDclose

THE LAST SUPPER01. The Last Supper02. A Funeral Without A Cry03. Impalement Without Mercy04. March Of The Dead05. The Rapture Of Cremation06. Engulfed In Eternal Frost07. D.I.E.08. In Remembrance Of Hate And Sorrow09. Bloodbath In Paradise Pt. II10. KruzifixionBLUTSABBATH01. Abschwörung02. Blackest Ecstasy03. Purity Through Fire04. Behind The Black Moon05. Blutsabbath06. No Resurrection07. The Req..

more_vertBelphegor "The Last Supper" LP (Red)
search35,00 EUR

Belphegor "The Last Supper" LP (Red)close

Side A01. The Last Supper02. A Funeral Without A Cry03. Impalement Without Mercy04. March Of The Dead05. The Rapture Of CremationSide B06. Engulfed In Eternal Frost07. D.I.E.08. In Remembrance Of Hate And Sorrow09. Bloodbath In Paradise Pt. II10. Kruzifixion..

more_vertBelphegor "Totenritual" CD
search16,00 EUR

Belphegor "Totenritual" CDclose

01. Baphomet02. The Devil's Son03. Swinefever - Regent Of Pigs04. Apophis - Black Dragon05. Totenkult - Exegesis Of Deterioration06. Totenbeschwörer [Instrumental]07. Spell Of Reflection08. Embracing A Star09. Totenritual..


more_vertPlastový obal na 12"/LP
search0,35 EUR

more_vertThe Wilderness "3" LP
search18,00 EUR

The Wilderness "3" LPclose

The Wilderness jsou bezesporu jednou z nejoriginálnějších současných kapel na Slovensku. Přesto, že existují již řadu let tak fungují svým způsobem v utajení.  Však také k jejich auře tajemna napomáhá i občas poněkud svérázný přístupu k ježdění na vlastní koncerty.Stejně tak hudebně i textově jsou The Wilderness těžko zařaditelní do jednoduchých škatulek. Album „III“ n..

more_vertBlockheads "Shape of Misery" Pánske Tričko
search8,00 EUR

Blockheads "Shape of Misery" Pánske Tričkoclose

Grindcore z Francuzska. https://blockheads.bandcamp.com/..